How To Claim

It is important to understand that a Policy of Insurance is not intended or priced to cover every eventuality. There are DEFINED LOSS EVENTS as well as specific EXCLUSIONS which form the basis of the cover provided. Insurers are compelled to outline these as transparently as possible and we ourselves make a concerted effort to bring these to your attention when we communicate with you.

Suggested First Steps:

Refer to Contract:

It is always useful to check your policy schedule as well as your policy wording (these documents are read in conjunction with one another) to familiarize yourself with any relevant excesses, exclusions, requirements or obligations. Alternatively you may of course contact us directly for assistance and we will check and verify the relevant information for you.

Contact Us:
It is important that you do not delay in informing our office (during working hours) or your insurer (after hours), immediately following any incident which may give rise to a claim, whether for own loss or damage, or a potential liability claim against you. Some policies contain a 30 days’ notice provision, and you could seriously prejudice your position if you fail to comply.

General Rules applicable to Claims submissions:

The following are general rules that apply. Please note that these do not override any specific policy or legal requirement:

Time of loss

Immediately after